Take Patient Satisfaction Scores Above the 90th Percentile!
Does your existing Room Service program meet expectations?
Is your Room Service program “World Class”?
Are you delivering 90% Patient Satisfaction results or better?
Our Destination 10 Process,
— an Industry Exclusive —
always delivers better
patient satisfaction scores
and higher food quality!
As the largest healthcare food service consulting firm in North America, we can take you there! Our team of diverse chefs, renowned food managers, and Registered Dietitians are the best in the industry and will work collaboratively at your facility.
Examples of areas to be reviewed:
- Food quality and customer service
- Temperatures of food items on the tray at point of service
- Temperatures of food items in kitchen on line reach and on the steam table
- Tray arrangement «Plating techniques for both hot & cold items
- Garnishes
- Service ware on tray
- Room service menu
- Degree of diet/menu liberalization
- Inventory (supplies) placement in the production suite
- Design and upgrade opportunities
- Timeliness of delivery to patient
The most experienced room service coaches in the country will come to your facility and evaluate the existing program and gauge opportunities for improvement.
Completion of Tune Up
Upon completing the review of current practices at your facility, DM&A Room Service Coaches will help you develop and modify existing processes, while demonstrating and implementing opportunities to propel you to the 90th percentile or higher. The latest technology trends and advancements will be presented:
- Recipes and concepts
- Tasting and scoring process
- Menu rewrites / design
- Incorporate a “build your own” menu feature
- Hot & cold deli sandwiches
- Pasta bar / build your own options
- Breakfast that patients and staff will love
- Hand-tossed special salads
- Creative, simple, yet elegant sauces
- Menu of specials from existing favorites
- Food specifications for all items
- Steam table and line layout diagrams
- Staff culinary training
- Customer service training – proven techniques for your unique facility
- Design and upgrade opportunities
- Possible labor savings in call center, production, host / hostess
- Green, sustainable suggestions