How to Address Staff Shortage
It is an absolute certainty that at some point your department will have an unplanned absence of leadership. Relocation, retirement, maternity/paternity, sabbatical, lottery winner, and a host of other reasons difficult to predict or foresee.
Improve Patient Satisfaction Through Engagement
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Retail 360
DM&A has had great success in renovating and reinvigorating retail areas. Click here for an actual example of a success story that we were able to facilitate.
Abbreviations. Is this the best way to document the severity of malnutrition?
The discussion of the use of abbreviations continues to surface in hospitals nationwide. The most recent discussions we have had are in relationship to malnutrition. Documentation of malnutrition is one piece of the care of
Comparing Sarcopenia and Malnutrition
Have you ever met with a patient and wondered if the assessment findings related not to malnutrition but to the aging process? Many dietitians have at some point reflected on this subject. Today we will