Malnutrition affects patient morbidity, mortality, length of hospital stay and costs.*  Therefore, the best decision is to treat the disease and nourish the patient.  This can be accomplished  with Room Service Choice on Demand:

  • Patients know what they want and when they want it
  • Increasing role of consumers in their healthcare decisions participatory medicine
  • There are key points in the foodservice process that we can manipulate to enhance outcomes
  • Use of electronic menu management system and process redesign allows integration of nutritional requirements and intake monitoring into daily clinical care

Watch our presentation here by Sally McCray, Director Nutrition and Dietetics, Mater Health Brisbane.

*”The impact of malnutrition on morbidity, mortality, length of hospital stay and costs evaluated through a multivariate model analysis” Isabel, M et al. Clinical Nutrition, 2003 22(3):235-239