About DM&A

DM&A is the largest, most diverse, full service, healthcare consulting firm in North America. The DM&A team consists of highly experienced, nationally recognized coaches bringing unparalleled knowledge and experience to each client location. DM&A is often hired to help organizations become the "Best of the Best" in the areas of food service, nutrition, environmental services and more. DM&A is home to the nationally acclaimed Destination 10 Performance Improvement Process. DM&A is also the leading authority in hospital room service implementation. Many of our clients win prestigious awards such as the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award, Food Service Director of the Month, Lifetime Achievement Award and achieve stellar HCAHPS and related patient satisfaction measurement outcomes. We are your solutions provider!

Solve the Riddle – Group of Three

The answer is stove, fire, and smoke. The stove is the object that is sitting down and will never get up. The fire eats as much fuel as it is given, yet it is always hungry for more. And the smoke rises from the fire and disappears into the air, never to return.

By |October 24th, 2023|Riddles|Comments Off on Solve the Riddle – Group of Three

Interim Staffing: Unlock Your Organization’s Potential!

Are you ready to revolutionize the way you approach workforce management? Look no further – DM&A's Provisional Leadership is here to supercharge your organization with flexibility, efficiency, and exceptional talent! Experience Unparalleled Flexibility: In today's fast-paced landscape, adaptability is key. Interim staffing allows you to scale your team up or down effortlessly to meet

By |August 28th, 2023|Articles|Comments Off on Interim Staffing: Unlock Your Organization’s Potential!

Solve the Riddle – I have keys

A keyboard has keys that you press to input characters, but these keys don't open locks like physical keys do. It has spaces between the keys, but it's not a physical room. And you can "enter" text and commands using a keyboard, but you can't physically go outside using it.

By |August 22nd, 2023|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Solve the Riddle – I have keys

Solve the Riddle – Hungry

It's always hungry and needs to be fed with fuel (like wood or gas) to keep burning. If you touch a flame with your finger, you'll get burned and your finger will turn red.

By |May 9th, 2023|Riddles|Comments Off on Solve the Riddle – Hungry

Congratulations – Douglas County Health Center

Congratulations on a Successful Go-Live! After a great deal of planning and build-up, it was the final countdown. Congratulations to Jan Hankey, Alisa McCoy, and everyone on the Food Service Team! The residents can now enjoy a variety of new menu choices with hot meals

By |April 3rd, 2023|News|Comments Off on Congratulations – Douglas County Health Center

Visiting Scholarship Winner – Missy Pumphrey

Visiting the 2022 dm&a CDM Credentialing Scholarship Winner Missy Pumphrey John Herzog, DM&A’s Director of Business Development and Scholarship Committee Chair, visited the 2022 scholarship winner Missy Pumphrey at Morris Hospital. Proud of Missy! The Morris Hospital administration & colleagues there were very

By |March 21st, 2023|News|Comments Off on Visiting Scholarship Winner – Missy Pumphrey